Luoghi Comuni
Editorial Project, Lenz Press, Milan, Italy

This website contains an intimate selection of some of the ideas conceived by Michel Carlana, Luca Mezzalira, and Curzio Pentimalli, and discussed with collaborators from 2010 until now. It is not meant as an exhaustive archive of our work: instead, it focuses on a number of intentions and lines of reasoning we deem important. The material is organized chronologically, rather than according to the scale or complexity of the projects, ranging from an urban master plan to an editorial project. The diversity of the material gathered in this website derives from the fact that there are no preconceived rules in the planning process.
Luoghi Comuni
Editorial Project, Lenz Press, Milan, Italy
Public Library, Bressanone (BZ), Italy
Music School, Bressanone (BZ), Italy